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2024 Basket #3- Henrieka Farm Center CSA

Once again we find ourselves at the beginning of summer, with all the fresh and wonderful tasting veggies and herbs that brighten our meals to look forward to in the coming months!

The 1st main basket items are as follows:

  • Garlic Scapes

  • Assorted Herbs

  • Greens (salad)

  • 1 dz eggs

  • Flowers


Assorted Herbs

Any meal can be enhanced with herbs. Chop a verity up and sprinkle over potatoes, rice or pasta.

Steep mint and other herbs that have a citrus or sweet flavor in hot water along with juice and zest of a lemon for 30 minutes, then strain the mixture through a fine mesh strainer. Add ice and your preferred sweetener to enjoy a delightful cold beverage.

Garlic Scapes

Use these just like garlic. Saute low in butter and then add in your greens. Salt and pepper to taste.


Farm fresh eggs!

Farm fresh eggs are a great tasting protein that can be a breakfast, lunch or dinner item.

Eggs are also a portable snack. Hard boil 6 and add one each day to the lunch bag for those 3 pm snack cravings.


Hope you have enjoyed and found useful our first blog of the season.

Cheers to summer 2024 and bountiful baskets to come!


What's Happening on the Farm

Brittni here for your bi-weekly update of what's happening on the farm! While the garden is planted and growing, it's the cows keeping us busy. We have welcomed an adorable bull calf to Henrieka - he is 75% Scottish highlander and 25% belted Galloway, but it is certainly his highland blood that is coming through. He is already kind and let's the kiddos give him pets!

As a family we are trying to get the farm as ready and self-sustaining as possible for the day the twins decide to arrive! This includes getting the meat chickens set up to rotate through pastures (we still have spots for deposits if you'd like to stock your freezer this August), tending to the garden, cleaning shelters and knocking down we'll growing summer weeds. We are also getting the farm stand ready with goods like dried herbs, body care items and Henrieka Farm swag!

I can already tell this summer will be a struggle with pests be it the weather patterns or breeding cycles. I have been teaching Desmond and Everleigh explicitly what to look for and how to hunt down plant destroying pests in the garden. We have also prepared some bio-dynamic remedies hoping to deter pests as much as possible.

We will soon want to work in times to give you all farm and garden tours as well! We hope you are enjoying the temperatures, summer adventures and the delicious in-season foods that are abundant.


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